
Paola Mazzoglio

Assistant Professor (RTD-A)

Politecnico di Torino

Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell’Ambiente, del Territorio e delle Infrastrutture Duca degli Abruzzi, 24

10129, Torino, Italy

Tel.: +39-011-090-5655


Personal page on PoliTo website

Complete CV


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Thesis proposal (IT) / Thesis proposal (EN)


Born in Alessandria (AL), 24th February 1991.

  • 16/12/2024 – 19/12/2024: Temporary Visiting Fellow at the Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile, Edile e Ambientale (DICEA) dell’Università degli Studi La Sapienza di Roma.
  • 04/11/2024 – 08/11/2024: Temporary Visiting Fellow at the Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile, Edile e Ambientale (DICEA) dell’Università degli Studi La Sapienza di Roma, Roma (Italy).
  • 10/09/2024 – now: President of the Young Hydrologic Society (YHS).
  • 01/04/2023 – now: Assistant Professor with time contract (RTD-A) at the Department of Environment, Land and Infrastructure Engineering (DIATI) of Politecnico di Torino, Torino (Italy).
  • 01/11/2022 – 31/03/2023: Research and teaching assistant at the Department of Environment, Land and Infrastructure Engineering (DIATI) of Politecnico di Torino, Torino (Italy). Supervisor: Prof. Pierluigi Claps. Topic: prediction and management of extreme hydrological events.
  • 01/06/2022 – 31/08/2022: External consultant (hydrologist) for CINID (Consorzio Interuniversitario per l’Idrologia), Italy. Supervisor: Prof. Pierluigi Claps. Topic: Revision of the Civil Protection Plan of the town of Noli based on investigations aimed at managing the risk for pedestrians and vehicles.
  • 01/04/2022 – 09/09/2024: Member of the Young Hydrologic Society (YHS) board (blog committee). Topic: website and blog management, in charge of the “Hallway Conversation” blog series.
  • 01/03/2022 – 22/05/2022: Visiting Ph.D. student at the National Technical University of Athens, Athens, Greece. Supervisor: Prof. Demetris Koutsoyiannis. Research topic: Development of an ombrian model for rainfall frequency analysis in Sardinia region (Italy) and in Thessaly region (Greece).
  • 01/01/2022 – 31/01/2022: External consultant (hydrologist) for LINKS Foundation, Torino (Italy).
  • 01/11/2019 – 07/12/2022: Ph.D. student in Civil and Environmental Engineering and teaching assistant at the Department of Environment, Land and Infrastructure Engineering, Politecnico di Torino, Torino (Italy). Supervisors: Prof. Pierluigi Claps, Prof. Ilaria Butera. Research topic: Geographically-based approaches to the statistical analysis of rainfall extremes.
  • 23/10/2019 – 31/12/2021: External consultant (hydrologist) for ITHACA (Information Technology for Humanitarian Assistance, Cooperation and Action), Torino (Italy).
  • 19/06/2017 – 22/10/2019: GIS, remote sensing and hydrological modelling specialist at ITHACA (Information Technology for Humanitarian Assistance, Cooperation and Action), 10138 Torino (Italy).
  • 17/10/2016 – 16/06/2017: Junior research fellow at the Department of Environment, Land and Infrastructure Engineering of Politecnico di Torino. Tutor: Prof. Francesco Laio. Research topic: Analysis of the interaction between artificial light sources and rain fields for the development of an estimation precipitation method from photographic images.
  • 05/09/2016 – 18/06/2018: Data scientist at WaterView SRL, Torino (Italy). Topics: execution of experiments with different cameras in every light and weather condition, to provide raw material for the improvement of WeatherCAM algorithms; develop and test of WeatherCAM algorithms.


  • A.Y. 2024/2025 – Tutor of the “Pianificare il paesaggio e l’ambiente (Atelier) – Modulo di Idrologia urbana e territoriale” course in “Pianificazione urbanistica e territoriale” (24 hours).
  • 19/04/2024 – EGU24 Short Course “DataViz: Visualise your data effectively and avoid common pitfalls”. Convener: Edoardo Martini. Co-conveners: Paola Mazzoglio, Epari Ritesh Patro, Roshanak Tootoonchi, Debasish Mishra.
  • A.Y. 2023/2024 – Teaching assistant and tutor of the “Protezione civile” (Civil Protection) MSc course in “Environmental and Land Engineering” and in “Territorial, Urban, Environmental and Landscape Planning” of Politecnico di Torino.
  • 22/02/2024 – Short course “SOS: stiamo perdendo (dati di) acqua”, organized within the initiative “Biennale Tecnologia per le Scuole 2023/2024”. [Description of the initiative][Programme of the course]
  • 21/02/2024 – Orientation course “Vita da studente STEM” (2 hours). Title of the presentation: Eventi meteorologici estremi: dallo studio dei fenomeni alle applicazioni ingegneristiche. [Programme]
  • A.Y. 2023/2024 – Teaching assistant of the “Protezione idraulica del territorio” (Flood risk management) MSc course in “Environmental and Land Engineering” (20 hours).
  • 27/04/2023 – EGU23 Short Course “DataViz: Visualise your data effectively and avoid common pitfalls”. Convener: Swamini Khurana. Co-conveners: Edoardo Martini, Paola Mazzoglio, Epari Ritesh Patro, Roshanak Tootoonchi.
  • A.Y. 2022/2023 – Teaching assistant and tutor of the “Protezione civile” (Civil Protection) MSc course in “Environmental and Land Engineering” and in “Territorial, Urban, Environmental and Landscape Planning” of Politecnico di Torino.
  • A.Y. 2022/2023 – Teaching assistant of the “Protezione idraulica del territorio” (Flood risk management) MSc course in “Environmental and Land Engineering”.
  • A.Y. 2022/2023 – Teaching assistant of the “Meccanica dei fluidi” (Fluid mechanics) BSc course in “Mechanical Engineering” of Politecnico di Torino.
  • A.Y. 2021/2022 – Teaching assistant of the “Meccanica dei fluidi” (Fluid mechanics) BSc course in “Mechanical Engineering” of Politecnico di Torino.
  • A.Y. 2020/2021 – Tutor of the “Protezione civile” (Civil Protection) MSc course in “Environmental and Land Engineering” and in “Territorial, Urban, Environmental and Landscape Planning” of Politecnico di Torino.
  • A.Y. 2020/2021 – Tutor of the “Idrologia” (Hydrology) MSc course in “Civil Engineering” of Politecnico di Torino.
  • A.Y. 2019/2020 – Tutor of the “Protezione Civile” (Civil Protection) MSc course in “Environmental and Land Engineering” and in “Territorial, Urban, Environmental and Landscape Planning” of Politecnico di Torino.


  1. June 2024 – January 2025: IMPETUS Accelerator. Sustaining Grant for the SIREN project (a citizen science initiative developed to digitize historical hydro-meteorological records from printed Italian Hydrological Yearbooks).
  2. November 2023 – ongoing: REHYDRATE (REtrieve historical HYDRologic dATa and Estimates) Working group of the IAHS Science for Solutions Scientific Decade 2023-2032 HELPING (Hydrology Engaging Local People IN one Global world).
  3. September 2023 – ongoing: FLOOD@ROAD (Flash-FLOOD risk at crossings between ROAD and river networks) PRIN project. Development of a new multidisciplinary framework that will combine scientific advancements in the capability of predicting flood and flash-flood events, identifying critical river-road intersections, and assessing the impact of road closures on the network traffic with the goal of assessing drivers’ risks in adverse meteo conditions.
  4. April 2023 – ongoing: PNRR project “Multi-Risk sciEnce for resilienT commUnities undeR a changiNg climate (RETURN)”. Analysis and mapping of natural and climatic risks on infrastructure systems.
  5. February 2023 – ongoing: SIREN (Saving Italian hydRological mEasuremeNts) project (, a citizen science initiative developed to digitize historical hydro-meteorological records from printed Hydrological Yearbooks.
  6. December 2022 – June 2023: Multi-risk analysis on urban and extra-urban territories with BIM-GIS-IoT tools for the definition of a maintenance and forecasting Digital Twin. Research contract between Politecnico di Torino and Arisk Srl.
  7. July 2022 – ongoing: Evaluation of the hydrological components needed for the definition of the flood risk in the “Autorità di Bacino Distrettuale dell’Appennino Meridionale”. Rainfall frequency analysis over the Southern Apennines.
  8. March 2022 – February 2023: HiDALGO2. HORIZON-EUROHPC-JU-2021-COE-01 (Centres of Excellence for HPC applications). Project funded at the end of 2022. Unfortunately, all the Italian partners had to leave the consortium for problems linked to co-funding.
  9. November 2021 – September 2022: Hydrological/hydraulic study and review of the civil protection plan of the town of Noli (SV).
  10. May 2021 – August 2021: Support for the hydrological analysis necessary for the design of infrastructures for the mitigation of the hydraulic risk in Bitti (Sardegna).
  11. January 2021 – December 2023: Project “Caratterizzazione del regime di frequenza degli estremi idrologici nel Distretto Po, anche considerando scenari di cambiamento climatico”, collaboration between Autorità di Bacino Distrettuale del Fiume Po and the Universities of the Po river basin.
  12. November 2019 – November 2020: Support in the development of a WebGIS for RESBA (REsistenza degli SBArramenti) Interreg project.
  13. February 2019 – January 2022: Collaboration in the “Weather and Climate” Pilot of LEXIS (Large-scale EXecution for Industry & Society) H2020 project (
  14. November 2018 – December 2018: Collaboration in the project “Global Land High Resolution Hot Spot Monitoring” within the “Global Land Component” of the Copernicus Land Service (C-GL-HRM) – Lot 1 ( Land cover and land cover change analysis and validation.
  15. September 2018 – October 2018: Collaboration for a long-term consultancy to the European Environment Agency in implementing the In-Situ component of the Copernicus programme (, with a particular focus on the mapping component of the Copernicus Emergency Management Service.
  16. August 2018 – September 2018: Analysis of available rainfall measurement for the upgrade of a drought monitoring early warning system (
  17. April 2018 – October 2019: Management and elaboration of geospatial information in the framework of “Copernicus Emergency Management Service” ( On-demand and fast provision (within hours or days) of geospatial information derived from satellite remote sensing and completed by available in situ or open data sources in support of the emergency management activities immediately following an emergency event.
  18. June 2017 – January 2022: Development and validation of an early warning system based on both near real-time and forecast rainfall measurement (ERDS – Extreme Rainfall Detection System –
  19. June 2017 – December 2018: Participation in the project TRIBUTE (TRigger BUffer zones for inundaTion Events), Prevention Project for EU Civil Protection, DG-ECHO 2017-2018. Improvement of a satellite-based extreme rainfall detection system, analysis and elaboration of precipitation data.


  1. Arheimer B., Cudennec C., Castellarin A., Grimaldi S., Heal K.V., Lupton C., Sarkar A., Tian F., Kileshye Onema J.-M., Archfield S., Blöschl G., Chaffe P.L.B., Croke B.F.W., Dembélé M., Leong C., Mijic A., Mosquera G.M., Nlend B., Olusola A.O., Polo M.J., Sandells M., Sheffield J., van Hateren T.C., Shafiei M., Adla S., Agarwal A., Aguilar C., Andersson J.C.M., Andraos C., Andreu A., Avanzi F., Bart R.R., Bartosova A., Batelaan O., Bennett J.C., Bertola M., Bezak N., Boekee J., Bogaard T., Booij M.J., Brigode P., Buytaert W., Bziava K., Castelli G., Castro C.V., Ceperley N.C., Chidepudi S.K.R., Chiew F.H.S., Chun K.P., Dagnew A.G., Dekongmen B.W., del Jesus M., Dezetter A., do Nascimento Batista J.A., Doble R.C., Dogulu N., Eekhout J.P.C., Elçi A., Elenius M., Finger D.C., Fiori A., Fischer S., Förster K., Ganora D., Gargouri Ellouze E., Ghoreishi M., Harvey N., Hrachowitz M., Jampani M., Jaramillo F., Jongen H.J., Kareem K.Y., Khan U.T., Khatami S., Kingston D.G., Koren G., Krause S., Kreibich H., Lerat J., Liu J., de Brito M.M., Mahé G., Makurira H., Mazzoglio P., Merheb M., Mishra A., Mohammad H., Montanari A., Mujere N., Nabavi E., Nkwasa A., Orduna Alegria M.E., Orieschnig C., Ovcharuk V., Palmate S.S., Pande S., Pandey S., Papacharalampous G., Pechlivanidis I., Penny G., Pimentel R., Post D.A., Prieto C., Razavi S., Salazar-Galán S., Sankaran Namboothiri A., Santos P.P., Savenije H., Shanono N.J., Sharma A., Sivapalan M., Smagulov Z., Szolgay J., Teng J., Teuling A.J., Teutschbein C., Tyralis H., van Griensven A., van Schalkwyk A.J., van Tiel M., Viglione A., Volpi E., Wagener T., Wang-Erlandsson L., Wens M., Xia J. (2024). The IAHS Science for Solutions decade, with Hydrology Engaging Local People IN a Global world (HELPING). Hydrological Sciences Journal. [Article]
  2. Claps P., Evangelista G., Ganora D., Mazzoglio P., Monforte I. (2024). FOCA: a new quality-controlled database of floods and catchment descriptors in Italy. Earth System Science Data, 16, 1503–1522. [Article]
  3. Evangelista G., Ganora D., Mazzoglio P., Pianigiani F., Claps P. (2023). Flood attenuation potential of Italian Dams: sensitivity on geomorphic and climatological factors. Water Resources Management. [Article]
  4. Mazzoglio P., Butera I., Claps P. (2023). A local regression approach to analyze the orographic effect on the spatial variability of sub-daily rainfall annual maxima. Geomatics, Natural Hazards and Risk, 14(1), 2205000, [Article]
  5. Mazzoglio P., Butera I., Alvioli M., Claps P. (2022). The role of morphology in the spatial distribution of short-duration rainfall extremes in Italy. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 26, 1659–1672, [Article]
  6. Mazzoglio P., Parodi A., Parodi A. (2022). Detecting extreme rainfall events using the WRF-ERDS workflow: the 15 July 2020 Palermo case study. Water, 14(1), 86, [Article][Selected as Cover Story of Water 14(1)]
  7. Mazzoglio P., Macchia S., Gallo E., Winter J., Claps P. (2021). Disaster tales as communication tool for increasing risk resilience. International Journal of Disaster Risk Science, 12, 341-354, [Article]
  8. Mazzoglio P., Butera I., Claps P. (2020). I2-RED: a massive update and quality control of the Italian annual extreme rainfall dataset. Water, 12, 3308, [Article]
  9. Mazzoglio P., Laio F., Balbo S., Boccardo P., Disabato F. (2019). Improving an Extreme Rainfall Detection System with GPM IMERG data. Remote Sensing, 11(6), 677, [Article]


  1. Mazzoglio P. (2023). Verso una migliore comprensione della variabilità spaziale degli estremi pluviometrici in Italia (Toward a better understanding of the spatial variability of rainfall extremes in Italy). L’Acqua, 3/2023, 99-103.
  2. Mazzoglio P., Ganora D., Claps P. (2022). Gli eventi estremi di durata sub-giornaliera stanno aumentando in Italia? Nova Ex Coelo, 47. [Article]
  3. Mazzoglio P., Parodi A. (2021). Identificazione di eventi estremi di pioggia da dati previsionali. Nova Ex Coelo, 35. [Article][Journal]
  4. Mazzoglio P., Laio F., Balbo S., Boccardo P. (2019). ERDS: an Extreme Rainfall Detection System based on both near real-time and forecast rainfall measurements. Annual of the University of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy (Sofia), 52(S1), 1423-1433. [Article]


  1. Claps P., Ganora D., Mazzoglio P. (2022). Rainfall regionalization techniques. In: Morbidelli R. (Ed.), Rainfall. Elsevier, 327-350, [Chapter]
  2. Mazzoglio P., Danovaro E., Ganne L., Parodi A., Hachinger S., Galizia A., Parodi A., Martinovič J. (2022). Exploitation of multiple model layers within LEXIS Weather and Climate Pilot: an HPC-based approach. In: Terzo O., Martinovič J. (Eds.), HPC, big data, and AI convergence towards exascale. CRC Press, 147-164, [Chapter]
  3. Mazzoglio P. (2022). Insights on a global Extreme Rainfall Detection System. In: Michaelides S. (Ed.), Precipitation Science. Elsevier, 135-155, [Chapter]
  4. Mazzoglio P., Ajmar A., Schumann G.J.P., Balbo S., Boccardo P., Perez F., Borgogno-Mondino E. (2021). Satellite-based approaches in the detection and monitoring of selected hydrometeorological disasters. In: Nhamo G., Chapungu L. (Eds.), The Increasing Risk of Floods and Tornadoes in Southern Africa. Sustainable Development Goals Series. Springer, 19-37, [Chapter]
  5. Mazzoglio P., Domeneghetti A., Ceola S. (2021). Flood detection and monitoring with EO data tools and systems. In: Schumann G.J.P. (Ed.), Earth Observation for Flood Applications. Elsevier, 195-215, [Chapter]


  1. Ganora D., Evangelista G., Mazzoglio P., Claps P. (2024). Hydrological models and datasets to support flood flow estimation at river-bridge intersections. Procedia Structural Integrity, 62, 653-660. [Proceeding] – [Oral presentation]
  2. Mazzoglio P., Viglione A., Martinengo M., Claps P. (2024). Nuovi dati e nuove stime delle piogge estreme di progetto nel Distretto del Fiume Po. Proceedings of the XXXIX Convegno Nazionale di Idraulica e Costruzioni Idrauliche, Parma (Italy), 15-18 September 2024. ISBN: 979-12-210-6941-9. [Proceeding] – [Oral presentation]
  3. Caporali E., Lompi M., Marra F., Mazzoglio P., Dallan E., Deidda R., Claps P., Manfreda S., Noto L.V., Viglione A., Raffa M., Marani M., Ballio F., Borga M. (2024). Proiezioni climatiche ad alta risoluzione degli estremi meteo-idrologici in Italia: il progetto EXTRAFLOOD. In: Proceedings of the XXXIX Convegno Nazionale di Idraulica e Costruzioni Idrauliche, Parma (Italy), 15-18 September 2024. 318, 1327-1330. ISBN: 979-12-210-6941-9. [Proceeding] – [Poster presentation]
  4. Borga M., Mazzoglio P., Lompi M., Marra F., Dallan E., Deidda R., Claps P., Manfreda S., Noto L.V., Viglione A., Raffa M., Marani M., Caporali E. (2024). Valutazione a scala nazionale delle simulazioni di precipitazioni estreme sub-giornaliere da modello climatico a convezione permessa. In: Proceedings of the XXXIX Convegno Nazionale di Idraulica e Costruzioni Idrauliche, Parma (Italy), 15-18 September 2024. 286, 1295-1298. ISBN: 979-12-210-6941-9. [Proceeding] – [Oral presentation]
  5. Cafiero L., Mazzoglio P., Bertola M., Laio F., Viglione A. (2024). Analisi non stazionaria di frequenza delle piene attraverso distribuzioni derivate generalizzate. In: Proceedings of the XXXIX Convegno Nazionale di Idraulica e Costruzioni Idrauliche, Parma (Italy), 15-18 September 2024. 257, 1355-1358. ISBN: 979-12-210-6941-9. [Proceeding] – [Oral presentation]
  6. Viglione A., Cafiero L., Castellarin A., Claps P., Colombo A., De Michele C., Ganora D., Laio F., Martinengo M., Mazzoglio P., Spadoni A., Valtancoli E. (2024). Sintesi di modelli regionali di frequenza delle piene nel Distretto del Fiume Po. In: Proceedings of the XXXIX Convegno Nazionale di Idraulica e Costruzioni Idrauliche, Parma (Italy), 15-18 September 2024. 61, 161-164. ISBN: 979-12-210-6941-9. [Proceeding] – [Oral presentation]
  7. Sambito M., Avino A., Rotaru A.M., Dallan E., Mazzoglio P., Treppiedi D., Lompi M., Asaridis P., Raimondi A. (2024). Design and management of stormwater detention basins: review and challenges. In: Proceedings of the XXXIX Convegno Nazionale di Idraulica e Costruzioni Idrauliche, Parma (Italy), 15-18 September 2024. 24, 331-334. ISBN: 979-12-210-6941-9. [Proceeding] – [Poster presentation]
  8. Mazzoglio P., Butera I., Claps P. (2024). Rainfall data augmentation in Northern Italy through daily extremes and the Hershfield factor. Proceedings of IAHS, 385, 147–153, [Proceeding]
  9. Mazzoglio P., Ganora D., Claps P. (2022). Long-term spatial and temporal rainfall trends over Italy. Environmental Sciences Proceedings, 21, 28, [Proceeding]
  10. Mazzoglio P., Volpini G., Deidda R., Claps P. (2022). Stima multi-modello della severità di un evento alluvionale: il caso di Bitti, novembre 2020. In: Arena F., Fiorentino M., Malara G. Proceedings of the XXXVIII Convegno Nazionale di Idraulica e Costruzioni Idrauliche, Reggio Calabria (Italy), 4-7 September 2022. [Proceeding]
  11. Monforte I., Evangelista G., Ganora D., Mazzoglio P., Claps P. (2022). Nuovi open-data per nuove stime idrologiche alla scala di distretto. Il caso del Po. In: Arena F., Fiorentino M., Malara G. Proceedings of the XXXVIII Convegno Nazionale di Idraulica e Costruzioni Idrauliche, Reggio Calabria (Italy), 4-7 September 2022. [Proceeding]
  12. Evangelista G., Mazzoglio P., Pianigiani F., Claps P. (2022). Towards the assessment of the flood attenuation potential of Italian dams: first steps and sensitivity to basic model features. Proceedings of the 39th IAHR World Congress, Granada (Spain), 19-24 June 2022, [Proceeding]
  13. Mazzoglio P., Ajmar A., Parodi A., Bovio L., Parodi A., Pasquali P., Martinovic J. (2022). The WRF-ERDS workflow in the November 2020 Calabria flood event. In: Borgogno-Mondino E., Zamperlin P. (Eds.). Geomatics and Geospatial Technologies. ASITA 2021. Communications in Computer and Information Science, Springer, vol 1507, [Proceeding][Conference recording in Italian]
  14. Mazzoglio P. (2021). ERDS: un sistema per l’identificazione di eventi estremi da dati satellitari e previsionali. In: Arena F., Lanzoni S., Malara G. (eds). Proceedings of the XXXVII Convegno Nazionale di Idraulica e Costruzioni Idrauliche, online, 14-16 June 2021. [Proceeding]
  15. Parodi A., Danovaro E., Hawkes J., Quintino T., Lagasio M., Delogu F., D’Andrea M., Parodi A., Sardo B.G., Ajmar A., Mazzoglio P., Brocheton F., Ganne L., García-Hernández R.J., Hachinger S., Hayek M., Terzo O., Krenek J., Martinovic J. (2021). LEXIS Weather and Climate large-scale pilot. In: Barolli L., Poniszewska-Maranda A., Enokido T. (Eds). Complex, Intelligent and Software Intensive Systems. CISIS 2020. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Springer, vol 1194, [Proceeding]
  16. Mazzoglio P., Laio F., Sandu C., Boccardo P. (2019). Assessment of an Extreme Rainfall Detection System for flood prediction over Queensland (Australia). Proceedings, 18(1), 1, [Proceeding][Presentation]


  1. Moccia B., Mazzoglio P., Ridolfi E., Russo F., Claps P., Napolitano F. (2024). Enhancing rainfall monitoring in urban areas by integrating crowdsourced personal weather stations into official networks. RETURN Dissemination Workshop “New perspectives for multi-risk assessment and management under climate change – Digital transition, innovative partnership, future challenges”, Bologna (Italy), 27-29 November 2024. [Poster presentation] – [Awarded with the “Best e-poster Award” for the thematic session “Seismic risk, risks related to structures, infrastructures and urban areas”]
  2. Evangelista G., Mazzoglio P., Ganora D., Pianigiani F., Claps P. (2024). A new knowledge resource on Italian Large Dams and their upstream basins. RETURN Dissemination Workshop “New perspectives for multi-risk assessment and management under climate change – Digital transition, innovative partnership, future challenges”, Bologna (Italy), 27-29 November 2024. [Poster presentation]
  3. Cafiero L., Bertola M., Mazzoglio P., Blöschl G., Laio F., Dallan E., Borga M., Viglione A. (2024). Operative procedure to derive flood frequency changes from projected extreme precipitation. 14th International Workshop on Statistical Hydrology STAHY 2024, 4-7 November 2024, Florianopolis (Brazil). [Oral presentation].
  4. Mazzoglio P., Bertola M., Sacco C., Mattozzi A., Listo T., Princivalle L., Lombardo L., Viglione A., Laio F., Claps P. (2024). SIREN: un progetto di citizen science per la digitalizzazione dei dati idrologici italiani. Conference “Le scienze umane e sociali per il sistema di Protezione Civile”, Roma (Italy), 23-24 September 2024. [Book of abstract] – [Oral presentation]
  5. Mazzoglio P., Viglione A., Ganora D., Claps P. (2024). Signal of change in ordinary and extraordinary precipitation extremes over Italy. Sixth International Conference on Advances in Extreme Value Analysis and Application to Natural Hazard (EVAN), 16-19 July 2024, Venice (Italy). [Abstract] – [Oral presentation]
  6. Mazzoglio P., Giuzio L., Bonelli R., Corbelli V., Claps P. (2024). Aggiornamento delle stime delle piogge di progetto nell’area del bacino distrettuale dell’Appennino Meridionale. Le Giornate dell’Idrologia della Società Idrologica Italiana 2024, Udine (Italy), 24-26 June 2024. [Abstract] – [Poster presentation]
  7. Cafiero L., Bertola M., Mazzoglio P., Laio F., Viglione A. (2024). Analisi non stazionaria di frequenza delle piene attraverso distribuzioni derivate generalizzate. Le Giornate dell’Idrologia della Società Idrologica Italiana 2024, Udine (Italy), 24-26 June 2024. [Abstract] – [Oral presentation]
  8. Claps P., Evangelista G., Ganora D., Mazzoglio P., Monforte I. (2024). FOCA: the Italian FlOod and Catchment Atlas. RETURN Dissemination Workshop “Multi risk models from assessment to validation and implication for decision making”, Bari (Italy), 19-21 June 2024. [Poster]
  9. Claps P., Evangelista G., Ganora D., Mazzoglio P., Monforte I. (2024). FOCA: a new quality-controlled collection of floods and catchment attributes in Italy. EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna (Austria), 14-19 April 2024, EGU24-12459. [Abstract] – [PICO presentation]
  10. Bertola M., Mazzoglio P. and the HELPING REHYDRATE working group (2024). REHYDRATE – an international HELPING working group to REtrieve historical HYDRologic dATa and Estimates. EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna (Austria), 14-19 April 2024, EGU24-5911. [Abstract] – [Oral presentation selected as Highlight of the session]
  11. Cafiero L., Mazzoglio P., Viglione A., Laio F. (2024). Flood frequency elasticity to extreme precipitation: a practical approach for Climate Change projection of flood probabilities. EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna (Austria), 14-19 April 2024, EGU24-4543. [Abstract] – [Poster presentation]
  12. Mazzoglio P., Viglione A., Ganora D., Claps P. (2024). Investigation of changes in precipitation extremes and implications for hydrological design: the Italian case study. EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna (Austria), 14–19 April 2024, EGU24-553. [Abstract] – [PICO presentation]
  13. Mazzoglio P., Bertola M., Lombardo L., Sacco C., Viglione A., Laio F., Claps P. (2024). Increasing the availability of Italian daily hydrological measurements with a citizen science approach: the SIREN project. EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna (Austria), 14-19 April 2024, EGU24-2080. [Abstract] – [Oral presentation]
  14. Borga M., Mazzoglio P., Lompi M., Marra F., Dallan E., Deidda R., Claps P., Manfreda S., Noto L., Viglione A., Raffa M., Caporali E. (2024). Assessment of convection-permitting sub-daily extreme precipitation simulations over Italy. EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna (Austria), 14-19 April 2024, EGU24-17775. [Abstract] – [Poster]
  15. Viglione A., Arnone E., Corti S., Ferguglia O., Giuntoli I., von Hardenberg J., Lombardo L., Mazzoglio P., Palazzi E. (2024). Mapping of climate to flood extremes in the European Alps: a multidisciplinary approach. EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14-19 April 2024, EGU24-4014. [Abstract] – [PICO presentation selected as Highlight of the session]
  16. Ganora D., Evangelista G., Mazzoglio P., Claps P. (2024). Hydrological models and datasets to support flood flow estimation at river-bridge intersections. Ponti, viadotti, e gallerie esistenti: ricerca, innovazione e applicazioni, Genova (Italy), 12-15 February 2024.
  17. Evangelista G., Ganora D., Mazzoglio P., Pianigiani F., Claps P. (2024). Key elements for a homogeneous flood hazard assessment on Large Dams in Italy. RETURN Dissemination Workshop, Torino (Italy), 1-2 February 2024. [Book of abstract][Poster]
  18. Claps P., Evangelista G., Ganora D., Mazzoglio P., Monforte I. (2024). The Italian FlOod and Catchment Atlas (FOCA). RETURN Dissemination Workshop, Torino (Italy), 1-2 February 2024. [Book of abstract][Poster]
  19. Mazzoglio P., Borga M., Lompi M., Marra F., Dallan E., Deidda R., Claps P., Manfreda S., Noto V., Viglione A., Raffa M., Caporali E. (2024). Evaluation of the accuracy of convection-permitting sub-daily extreme precipitation simulations over Italy. RETURN Dissemination Workshop, Torino (Italy), 1-2 February 2024. [Book of abstract][Poster]
  20. Borga M., Mazzoglio P., Lompi M., Marra F., Dallan E., Deidda R., Claps P., Manfreda S., Noto V., Viglione A., Raffa M., Caporali E. (2024). Assessment of convection-permitting sub-daily extreme precipitation simulations over Italy. Water-Related Risk Workshop PNRR RETURN – Spoke VS1 Water, Padova, 18-19 January 2024.
  21. Cafiero L., Mazzoglio P., Viglione A., Laio F. (2024). Flood frequency elasticity to extreme precipitation in the Po river District. Water-Related Risk Workshop PNRR RETURN – Spoke VS1 Water, Padova, 18-19 January 2024.
  22. Sambito M., Avino A., Rotaru A.M., Dallan E., Mazzoglio P., Treppiedi D., Lompi M., Asaridis P., Raimondi A. (2024). Design and management of stormwater detention basins: review and challenges. Water-Related Risk Workshop PNRR RETURN – Spoke VS1 Water, Padova, 18-19 January 2024.
  23. Claps P., Evangelista G., Ganora D., Mazzoglio P., Monforte I. (2023). FOCA: FlOod and Catchment Atlas for 631 gauged watersheds in Italy. AGU Fall Meeting 2023, San Francisco & Online, 11-15 December 2023, H10-01. [Abstract][Poster]
  24. Claps P., Evangelista G., Ganora D., Mazzoglio P., Monforte I. (2023). FOCA (Italian FlOod and Catchment Atlas): l’atlante italiano delle piene e dei descrittori dei bacini idrografici. Giornate dell’Idrologia della Società Idrologica Italiana 2023, Matera (Italy), 13-15 September 2023. [Abstract]
  25. Mazzoglio P., Ganora D., Butera I., Claps P. (2023). High-resolution investigation of the spatiotemporal variability of rainfall extremes in Italy. SISC 11th Annual Conference “SISC2023: Mission Adaptation! Managing the risk and building resilience”, Milano (Italy), 22-24 November 2023. [Oral presentation]
  26. Cafiero L., Mazzoglio P., Viglione A., Laio F. (2023). Non-stationary flood frequency analysis: case study in the Po river basin. Giornate dell’Idrologia della Società Idrologica Italiana 2023, Matera (Italy), 13-15 September 2023. [Abstract]
  27. Mazzoglio P., Butera I., Claps P. (2023). Integrazione di una mappatura ad alta risoluzione dei gradienti orografici nella stima della precipitazione di progetto. Giornate dell’Idrologia della Società Idrologica Italiana 2023, Matera (Italy), 13-15 September 2023. [Abstract]
  28. Mazzoglio P., Bertola M., Lombardo L., Viglione A., Laio F., Claps P. (2023). Recovering the Italian daily hydrological measurements with a citizen science approach. 28th IUGG General Assembly, Berlin (Germany), 11-20 July 2023, IUGG23-3414, [Abstract]
  29. Evangelista G., Ganora D., Mazzoglio P., Pianigiani F., Claps P. (2023). Sensitivity of Italian dams’ flood mitigation capacity to the combined effect of morphological and climatological factors. 28th IUGG General Assembly, Berlin (Germany), 11-20 July 2023, IUGG23-4468, [Abstract]
  30. Cafiero L., Monforte I., Mazzoglio P., Ganora D., Laio F., Claps P., Viglione A. (2023). Bayesian Spatially Smooth Regional Estimation of flood quantiles: Case study in Northern Italy. 28th IUGG General Assembly, Berlin (Germany), 11-20 July 2023, IUGG23-3467, [Abstract]
  31. Mazzoglio P., Butera I., Claps P. (2023). Investigating orographic gradients and rainfall extremes through local regression models: an application over Italy. 28th IUGG General Assembly, Berlin (Germany), 11-20 July 2023, H12p-097, [Abstract][Poster]
  32. Mazzoglio P., Butera I., Claps P. (2023). Approaching the estimation of high return period rainfall quantiles through a high-resolution investigation of local orographic gradients. II Workshop CNR IRPI “La mitigazione dei rischi geo-idrologici in un contesto di cambiamento globale: quali risposte dalla comunità scientifica”, Rome (Italy), 3-5 July 2023.
  33. Mazzoglio P., Macchia S., Gallo E., Winter J., Claps P. (2023). Moving from disaster reports to disaster tales to increase flood risk awareness. EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna (Austria), 23-28 April 2023, EGU23-11949, [Abstract]
  34. Cafiero L., Mazzoglio P., Monforte I., Claps P., Viglione A., Laio F. (2023). Non-stationary flood frequency analysis: case study in the Po river basin. EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna (Austria), 23-28 April 2023, EGU23-5694, [Abstract]
  35. Mazzoglio P., Butera I., Claps P. (2023). Effects of Super-Extremes in the evaluation of the design rainfall: a case study in Northern Italy. EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna (Austria), 23-28 April 2023, EGU23-668, [Abstract]
  36. Mazzoglio P., Butera I., Claps P. (2022). A regionless local regression approach for the reconstruction of the spatial variability of rainfall extremes in a complex terrain. AGU Fall Meeting 2022, Chicago & Online, 12-16 December 2022, H35B-04. [Abstract]
  37. Mazzoglio P., Butera I., Claps P. (2022). Analisi dell’effetto orografico sugli estremi di precipitazione sub-giornalieri. Le Giornate dell’Idrologia della Società Idrologica Italiana 2022, Genova (Italy), 9-11 November 2022. [Abstract]
  38. Claps P., Evangelista G., Mazzoglio P. (2022). Nubifragi “anomali” da Bitti (2020) a Cantiano (2022) e spunti per un ripensamento delle fasi di previsione e prevenzione. Le Giornate dell’Idrologia della Società Idrologica Italiana 2022, Genova (Italy), 9-11 November 2022. [Abstract]
  39. Evangelista G., Mazzoglio P., Pianigiani F., Claps P. (2022). Primi passi verso la valutazione del potenziale di laminazione delle grandi dighe italiane. Le Giornate dell’Idrologia della Società Idrologica Italiana 2022, Genova (Italy), 9-11 November 2022. [Abstract]
  40. Cafiero L., Mazzoglio P., Claps P., Viglione A. (2022). Toward non-stationary flood frequency analysis: case study in the Po river basin. Le Giornate dell’Idrologia della Società Idrologica Italiana 2022, Genova (Italy), 9-11 November 2022. [Abstract]
  41. Mazzoglio P., Claps P., Iliopoulou T., Dimitriadis P., Malamos N., Butera I., Koutsoyiannis D. (2022). Estimation of the design rainfall in ungauged sites using novel regionalization approaches: an application over Thessaly region, Greece. STAHY2022 – 12th International Workshop on Statistical Hydrology, Chia (Italy), 17-20 September 2022. [Abstract][Poster]
  42. Mazzoglio P., Butera I., Claps P. (2022). Geostatistical analysis of extreme precipitation records over North-West Italy. geoENV2022, Parma (Italy), 22-24 June 2022.
  43. Mazzoglio P., Butera I., Claps P. (2022). Increasing rainfall data density in Northern Italy through daily extremes and the Hershfield factor. IAHS-AISH Scientific Assembly 2022, Montpellier (France), 29 May–3 June 2022, IAHS2022-335, [Abstract]
  44. Mazzoglio P., Butera I., Alvioli M., Claps P. (2022). Influence of morphology on the spatial variability of rainstorms over Italy. EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna (Austria), 23-27 May 2022, EGU22-6342, [Abstract] – Selected as Highlight
  45. Claps P., Brunetto M., Evangelista E., Mazzoglio P., Monforte I. (2022). FaBI: A new collection of flood data and attributes of basins in Italy. EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna (Austria), 23-27 May 2022, EGU22-5563, [Abstract]
  46. Mazzoglio P., Butera I., Alvioli M., Claps P. (2022). Il ruolo della morfologia sulla distribuzione spaziale degli estremi di pioggia sub-giornalieri italiani. 4° Congresso Nazionale AISAM, Milano, 15-18 February 2022. [Abstract]
  47. Mazzoglio P., Butera I., Claps P. (2021). Orographic influence on the spatial variability of rainfall extremes in Italy. AGU Fall Meeting 2021, New Orleans & Online, 13-17 December 2021, H45ZA-10. [Abstract][Poster]
  48. Mazzoglio P., Pasquali P., Parodi A., Parodi A. (2021). Improving weather forecasts by means of HPC solutions: the LEXIS approach in the 2020 Bitti flood event. EMS Annual Meeting 2021, online, 6–10 September 2021, EMS2021-125, [Abstract]
  49. Mazzoglio P., Butera I., Claps P. (2021). How landscape and climate affect the spatial variability of the Italian rainfall extremes? Some initial clues based on I2-RED. EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 April 2021, EGU21-7159, [Abstract][Poster]
  50. Mazzoglio P., Parodi A., Parodi A., Bovio L., Martinovic J. (2021). Heavy rainfall identification within the framework of the LEXIS Project: the Italian case study. 101st American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting. [Abstract][Poster]
  51. Mazzoglio P., Balbo S., Laio F., Boccardo P., Pasquali P. (2020). ERDS: un sistema open source per il monitoraggio di eventi di pioggia intensa. FOSS4G Italia 2020, Torino (Italy). [Abstract]
  52. Mazzoglio P., Laio F., Balbo S., Boccardo P. (2019). ERDS: an Extreme Rainfall Detection System based on both near real-time and forecast rainfall measurements. Eighth Bulgarian-Austrian Seminar “Hydrological hazards and related problems”, 30-31 May 2019, Sofia. [Abstract] (page 12) – [Presentation]
  53. Mazzoglio P., Boccardo P., Laio F., Balbo S., Disabato F. (2018). ERDS: a satellite-based approach in the extreme rainfall detection field. AIT 2018 – IX Conference of the Italian Society of Remote Sensing, 4-6 July 2018, Firenze (Italy). [Abstract] (page 137)
  54. Mazzoglio P., Laio F., Disabato F., Angeluccetti I. (2018). GPM precipitation data as input for a real time extreme rainfall detection system. EGU General Assembly 2018. [Abstract]
  55. Angeluccetti I., Disabato F., Perez F., Balbo S., Mazzoglio P., Keramitsoglou I., Kiranoudis C.T. (2018). TRIBUTE ‘TRIgger BUffers for inundaTion Events’: the importance of flood hazard and vulnerability assessment. EGU General Assembly 2018. [Abstract]


  1. Costamagna E., Mazzoglio P. (2024). Book of Abstracts RETURN Dissemination Workshop, Torino (Italy), 1-2 February 2024. [Book of abstract]


  1. Mazzoglio P., Bertola M., Sacco C., Lombardo L., Viglione A., Laio F., Claps P. (2024). SOS: stiamo perdendo (dati di) acqua. University La Sapienza, Rome (Italy), 17 December 2024.
  2. Mazzoglio P. (2024). Increasing the availability of the Italian daily hydrological measurements with a citizen science approach. Invited talk at the University of Florence (Italy), 4 December 2024.
  3. Mazzoglio P., Cammarata G.P. (2024). Data and knowledge integration for the infrastructure hazard assessment. RETURN Dissemination Workshop “New perspectives for multi-risk assessment and management under climate change – Digital transition, innovative partnership, future challenges”, Bologna (Italy), 27-29 November 2024.
  4. Mazzoglio P., Bertola M. (2024). SOS: stiamo perdendo (dati di) acqua. Workshop of SIREN project open to the general public organized at Kontiki, Torino (Italy), 22 November 2024.
  5. Mazzoglio P., Bertola M. (2024). SOS: stiamo perdendo (dati di) acqua. Workshop of SIREN project open to the students of Politecnico di Torino, Torino (Italy), 22 November 2024.
  6. Mazzoglio P. (2024). Dati nuovi e dati storici per l’analisi della pericolosità idraulica pluviale e fluviale. Invited speaker at the “River Cafè. Pianificazione e gestione dei rischi” conference organized by LIFE Climax Po project, Torino (Italy), 11 November 2024. [News]
  7. Mazzoglio P., Listo T., Mattozzi A., Bertola M., Sacco C., Lombardo L., Princivalle L., Viglione A., Laio F., Claps P. (2024). Citizen scientists in hydrology: what fuels engagement in the data rescue SIREN project? CAFÉS (Climate And Fluids / Exchange seminars) organized by the Department of Environment, Land and Infrastructure Engineering of Politecnico di Torino, Torino (Italy), 25 October 2024.
  8. Mazzoglio P., Bertola M., Sacco C., Lombardo L., Viglione A., Laio F., Claps P. (2024). SIREN: a citizen science project for the digitization of the Italian hydrological data. Invited speaker in two seminars organized during the courses of “Cambiamento Climatico e Resilienza Idrologica Urbana” and “Climate and Hydrology” of the School of Architecture of Politecnico di Milano (Italy), 18 October 2024.
  9. Claps P., Di Pietra V., Vesipa R., Vagnon F., Mazzoglio P. (2024). Dalla teoria all’applicazione: La valutazione dei rischi naturali per il Piano di Protezione Civile di Noli. Webinar organized within the Salone OFF initiative of the MSc courses of Politecnico di Torino, online, 10 June 2024. [Programme]
  10. Mazzoglio P., Lompi M., Marra F., Dallan E., Deidda R., Claps P., Manfreda S., Noto V., Viglione A., Raffa M., Marani M., Caporali E, Borga M. (2024). Evaluation of the accuracy of convection-permitting sub-daily extreme precipitation simulations over Italy. Poster presented during the “Water-related Risks” Workshop of PNRR RETURN project, Cagliari (Italy), 5-7 June 2024.
  11. Evangelista G., Ganora D., Mazzoglio P., Pianigiani F., Claps P. (2024). Efficacia delle grandi dighe italiane nella mitigazione delle portate di piena. Poster presented during the event “Opere idrauliche e territorio: importanza, obsolescenza, adattamento” organized by Associazione Idrotecnica Italiana for the World Water Day, Torino (Italy), 22 March 2024.
  12. Mazzoglio P., Bertola M., Sacco C., Lombardo L., Viglione A., Laio F., Claps P. (2024). SIREN: un progetto di citizen science per la digitalizzazione degli Annali Idrologici italiani. Poster presented during the event “Opere idrauliche e territorio: importanza, obsolescenza, adattamento” organized by Associazione Idrotecnica Italiana for the World Water Day, Torino (Italy), 22 March 2024.
  13. Mazzoglio P. (2024). Spatio-temporal variability of rainfall extremes and implications for hydrological design: the Italian case study. CAFÉS (Climate and fluids / exchange seminars) organized by the Department of Environment, Land and Infrastructure Engineering of Politecnico di Torino, Torino (Italy), 15 March 2024.
  14. Mazzoglio P. (2024). Recovery and digitisation of information reported in historical printed documents. Lightning talks by the participants during the Workshop on “Text-as-data in Hydrology, Natural Hazards, and Climate Change Research”, Potsdam (Germany), 1 March 2024.
  15. Claps P., Evangelista G., Mazzoglio P. (2024). Cambiamento climatico e rischio idrogeologico: indicazioni tecniche e direzioni di approfondimento. Dall’emergenza alla cultura della prevenzione: la centralità del rischio idrogeologico per la gestione del territorio, Torino (Italy), 6 February 2024.
  16. Caporali E., Borga M., Lompi M., Dallan E., Marra F., Mazzoglio P., Deidda R., Marani M., Viglione A., Cafiero L., Claps P., Ballio F. (2024). Towards extreme rainfall and flood projections over Italy. RETURN Dissemination Workshop, 1-2 February 2024, Torino (Italy).
  17. Asaridis P., Avino A., Dallan E., Lompi M., Mazzoglio P., Raimondi A., Rotaru A.M., Sambito M., Treppiedi D. (2023). Criteria for the design and management of detention basins: review of traditional methods & current challenges. 1° Lunch Webinar organized by Junior Researchers of the Spoke VS1 of the RETURN project, 29 November 2023, online.
  18. Claps P., Ganora D., Mazzoglio P. (2023). Grandi nubifragi in un contesto di cambiamento climatico. Poster presented at the meeting “Le Azioni del Politecnico e del Territorio per la Crisi Climatica” organized by the Green Team of the Politecnico di Torino, 13 October 2023, Torino, Italy.
  19. Mazzoglio P., Ganora D., Viglione A., Claps P. (2023). Data-driven analysis of hydrological extremes. In ”9th SmartData@PoliTO Workshop – SmartData@PoliTO meets AI-H@PoliTO”, organized by SmartData@PoliTO, 25-26 September 2023, Loano, Italy.
  20. Claps P., Evangelista G., Mazzoglio P. (2023). Caratteristiche statistiche e idrologiche di recenti eventi alluvionali significativi: possibili risposte della Missione 4.2 del PNRR. In: “Eventi estremi nell’ambito dei cambiamenti climatici – Le conseguenze idrologiche ed idrauliche”, organized by Ordine degli Ingegneri di Bergamo, 21st September 2023, Bergamo, Italy.
  21. Mazzoglio P., Claps P. (2023). Spatial influence of record-breaking rainfall events. In: International Workshop “Novel concepts for the mitigation of flood and drought risk – Science progress and engineering practice”, 11 September 2023, Bologna, Italy.
  22. Claps P., Evangelista G., Mazzoglio P. (2023). Coherence vs. Novelty: which directions towards rainstorm and flood hazard assessment for the Infrastructures in Italy? Insights from the RETURN project. In: International Workshop “Novel concepts for the mitigation of flood and drought risk – Science progress and engineering practice”, 11 September 2023, Bologna, Italy.
  23. Cafiero L., Viglione A., Mazzoglio P., Claps P., Laio F. (2023). Non-stationary flood frequency analysis: a pragmatic approach applied to the Po River district. In: International Workshop “Novel concepts for the mitigation of flood and drought risk – Science progress and engineering practice”, 11 September 2023, Bologna, Italy.
  24. Mazzoglio P. (2023). Bridging the gap between research and the public: the role of citizen scientists in hydrology. Invited speaker at the IAHS Workshop n°3 (Leveraging non-traditional research data: advances and perspectives) organized by the IAHS Early Career Committeee during the 28th IUGG General Assembly, Berlin (Germany), 14 July 2023.
  25. Viglione A., Cafiero L., …, Mazzoglio P. et al. (2023). Synthesis of flood frequency models: the value of uncertainty estimation. In “The future of flood research – Expectations on scientific developments in the next 10 years”, Final Symposium of the SPATE Research Unit, 24 April 2023, Vienna, Austria.
  26. Mazzoglio P. (2023). Verso una migliore comprensione della variabilità spaziale degli estremi pluviometrici in Italia. Invited speaker at the event “Gestione sostenibile della risorsa idrica tra emergenze e incertezze attuali e future” organized by Associazione Idrotecnica Italiana for the World Water Day, Torino (Italy), 22 March 2023.
  27. Mazzoglio P. (2023). Using regionless rainfall frequency analysis to avoid data decimation. In: first webinar of the “Gotta catch’em all​ – A ​catchment by catchment ​hydrological adventure” series organized by BHS, YHS, YHS-IT and EGU-HS, 17th January 2023.
  28. Claps P., Mazzoglio P., Butera I., Ganora D. (2022). Nuovi eventi estremi e possibili risposte della Missione 4.2 del PNRR. In: “Workshop Nuovi estremi climatici e prevenzione dei rischi per le infrastrutture” organized by GEAM, 4 November 2022, Politecnico di Torino, Italy.
  29. Claps P., Mazzoglio P. (2022). Attributing rarity to a flood disaster: an Unsolved Problems in Hydrology. Invited talk at the National Technical University of Athens, Greece, 5 April 2022.
  30. Mazzoglio P. (2022). Statistical analysis of rainfall extremes over Italy: a problem-solving approach. Invited talk at the National Technical University of Athens, Greece, 5 April 2022.
  31. Claps P., Mazzoglio P., Deidda R., Volpini G., Perucca E. (2021). Updating the UPH list with recent disasters: the case of Bitti (Sardinia, 2020). In: Mini-workshop on novel hydrological concepts for the engineering practice. 29 September 2021, Bologna, Italy.
  32. Mazzoglio P. (2021). Influence of geomorphological parameters on the spatial variability of rainfall extremes. In: “Talks in Eco-Hydro Research” organized by the Department of Environment, Land and Infrastructure Engineering of Politecnico di Torino, 4 June 2021.
  33. Mazzoglio P. (2021). Estremi pluviometrici: analisi di frequenza a scala regionale. In: webinar organized by Autorità di Bacino del Fiume Po within the “Aggiornamento degli estremi idrologici nel bacino distrettuale del fiume Po” series, 29 January 2021.
  34. Angeluccetti I., Mazzoglio P. (2019). An extreme rainfall detection system based on near real-time measurements. In: Seminari Internacional sobre planificació i gestió del risc d’inundació en ambients mediterranis, Palma de Mallorca (Spain), 6 March 2019.
  35. Mazzoglio P. (2019). Extreme rainfall detection system based on both near real-time and forecast rainfall measurements. In: Flood forecasting meets machine learning Workshop, Google campus in Tel Aviv, 16-17 January 2019. [Presentation]
  36. Mazzoglio P. (2018). The ITHACA contribution to the TRIBUTE project. In: TRIBUTE Workshop, Torino (Italy), 26 September 2018.
  37. Mazzoglio P., Pensa S. (2018). TRIBUTE in the flood events in Piedmont area. In: TRIBUTE Workshop, Palma de Mallorca (Spain), 14 June 2018.


  1. Lavalle L., Villani M.L., Patriarca T., Bazzurro N., Serale G., Cova P., Converso R., Delsoldato G., Piramide V., Ghillani A., Adorni M., De Giovanni M., Fiorini M., Freni G., Torregrossa M., Giovannini G., Mauro A., Agostini I., Ceresara M., Carpanese P., Saler E., Donà M., Badin L., Follador V., da Porto F., Claps P., Mazzoglio P., Evangelista G., Cammarata G., Zani G., Lombardi M., Berardi D., Ridolfi E., De Girolamo P., Codato C., Toth E., Bragalli C. (2023). Inventory, Description and Classification of Interdependent Infrastructures and their Critical Assets. RETURN PNRR project Deliverable D6.2.1.
  2. CIMA et al. (2022). Impact on productivity and business process improvement for Weather & Climate. LEXIS H2020 Project Deliverable D9.9. [Report]
  3. Mazzoglio P., Bovio L., Parodi A., Lagasio M., Milelli M., Mazzarella V., Brocheton F. (2022). Final report (KPI included) on demonstration and validation of the weather & climate test-bed applied to selected cases. LEXIS H2020 Project Deliverable D7.9. [Report]
  4. Brocheton F., Danovaro E., Mazzoglio P., Pasquali P., Parodi A., Parodi A., D’Andrea M., Ferretti M., Ferretti F., Ganne L., Scionti A., Hayek M., Golasowski M. (2021). Final deployment of test-bed infrastructure components with full interoperable model layers. LEXIS H2020 Project Deliverable D7.8. [Report]
  5. Parodi A., Ganne L., Parodi A., Mazzoglio P., Brocheton F. (2020). Deployment of test-bed infrastructure components and adoption of Weather and Climate Data Interchange for model layer interoperability. LEXIS H2020 Project Deliverable D7.6. [Report]
  6. Brocheton F., Manubens N., Hawkes J., Mazzoglio P., Ajmar A., Parodi A., Vaccaro N., Rocco F., Peveri R. (2019). Deployment of the First Test-bed Infrastructure Components in HPC/Cloud. LEXIS H2020 Project Deliverable D7.4. [Report]
  7. Balbo S., Mazzoglio P. (2018). Report on satellite-derived parameters related to the estimation of extreme rainfall detection. TRIBUTE Deliverable DC2.


  1. Mazzoglio P. (2022). Geographically-based approaches to the statistical analysis of rainfall extremes. PhD thesis at Politecnico di Torino. Supervisors: Prof. Pierluigi Claps, Prof. Ilaria Butera. [Thesis]
  2. Mazzoglio P. (2016). Laboratory experiment supporting an estimating precipitation method from photographic images. Master’s Degree thesis at Politecnico di Torino. Supervisors: Prof. Francesco Laio, Eng. Paolo Cavagnero.


  • 2024. Best e-poster presentation at the RETURN Dissemination Workshop “New perspectives for multi-risk assessment and management under climate change – Digital transition, innovative partnership, future challenges”, Bologna (Italy), 27-29 November 2024.
  • 2024. Awarded with the “Fabio Rossi” prize for the best Ph.D. thesis in Hydrology defended in Italy between October 2022 and December 2023. Award delivered during the “1944-2024 80 years of hydrology” conference organized in Fisciano (SA, Italy), 22-24 January 2024.
  • 2023. Awarded of the travel grant to participate to the 2023 SISC Conference “SISC2023: Mission Adaptation! Managing the risk and building resilience” held in Milano (Italy), 22-24 November 2023.
  • 2023. First place (30/30) tied with Luca Salerno and Zahra Shams Esfandabadi for the “Ph.D. degree awards in memory of Eng. Stefano Rigatelli”, call for application dedicated to Ph.D. graduates in Environmental Engineering or Civil and Environmental Engineering at Politecnico di Torino in the calendar year 2022. Award given to Luca Salerno for his younger age.
  • 2023. Awarded of the Roland Schlich Travel Support for in-person participants at EGU 2023.
  • 2009. Awarded in 2009 by the Piedmont Region for being one of the best 500 students in the last two years of high school.

LAST UPDATE: 08/01/2025