
Matteo Pesce

PhD Student

Politecnico di Torino

Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell’Ambiente, del Territorio e delle Infrastrutture Duca degli Abruzzi, 24

10129, Torino, Italy

Tel.: +39-011-090-5606


Personal page on PoliTo website


Google Scholar


Born in Venice (VE), 21st February 1993.

  • Since 11/2019: Ph.D. Student in Civil and Environmental Engineering at Politecnico di Torino. Research topic: Characterization of extreme meteo-hydrological events in the Alpine Region. Supervisors: Prof. Alberto Viglione, Prof. Jost von Hardenberg.
  • 09/2018 – 09/2019: Master of Research in Science and Management of Climate Change. Ca’ Foscari University of Venice (Italy). Final Project: Monitoring of water isotopic composition in Schnals and Martell valleys for the analysis of streamflow components under climate change. Supervisors: Prof. Carlo Barbante, Prof. Francesco Comiti.
  • 10/2015 – 04/2018: Master’s Degree in Environmental Engineering. University of Padua (Italy). Thesis: Climate change impact on flow regimes in the Eastern and Central United States. Supervisors: Prof. Gianluca Botter, Prof. Nir Krakauer.
  • 02/2018 – 04/2018: 24 ECTS for teaching. Credits in anthropological, psychological sciences, methodological and didactical technologies.
  • 10/2012 – 09/2015: Bachelor’s Degree in Environmental Engineering. University of Padua (Italy). Thesis: Sustainability Assessment in food and energy sectors: literature analysis on the methodologies Life Cycling Costing, Social Life Cycle Assessment and Life Cycle Sustainability Assessment. Supervisors: Prof. Antonio Scipioni, Ing. Andrea Fedele.
  • 09/2007 – 06/2012: Scientific High School Degree. Scientific High School “Ugo Morin”, Mestre (VE), Italy.


A.Y. 2021/2022 – Tutor of the Master’s Degree Course “Design for Climate Resilience” (Architectural Technology), Politecnico di Torino.


  • Pesce, M., von Hardenberg, J., Claps, P., Viglione, A. Correlation between climate and flood indices in Northwestern Italy at different temporal scales, Journal of Hydrology and Hydromechanics, 70(2), 178-194, 2022. [Article]


  • Pesce, M., von Hardenberg, J., Claps, P., Viglione, A. Spatio-temporal correlation of climate indices and river floods in Northwestern Italy, IDRA2020 – 37° Convegno Nazionale di Idraulica e Costruzioni Idrauliche, online, 14-16 June 2021, ISBN: 9788894379914, 2021. [Proceeding]


  • Pesce, M., Viglione, A., Hardenberg, J., Tarasova, L., Basso, S., Merz, R. How much value is in climate and geomorphological descriptors for distributed hydrological modelling? A decision tree based approach in North-Western Italy, IAHS-AISH Scientific Assembly 2022, Montpellier, France, 29 May–3 June 2022, IAHS2022-361, 2022. [Abstract]
  • Pesce, M., Viglione, A., von Hardenberg, J., Tarasova, L., Basso, S., Merz, R. hydroPASS: a newly developed R package to go through the regional calibration of distributed catchment models, EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria, 23–27 May 2022, EGU22-569,, 2022. [Abstract]
  • Pesce, M., Viglione, A., von Hardenberg, J., Tarasova, L., Basso, S., Merz, R. Calibrazione regionale per modelli idrologici distribuiti: un’applicazione nell’Italia Nord-Occidentale, 4° Congresso Nazionale dell’Associazione Italiana di Scienze dell’Atmosfera e Meteorologia (AISAM), Milan, 15-18 February 2022. [Abstract]
  • Viglione, A., Pesce, M., Tarasova, L., Basso, S., Merz, R. Regional Calibration for a Distributed Catchment Model: an Application in North-Western Italy, AGU Fall Meeting 2021, New Orleans, LA and Online Everywhere, 13-17 December 2021. [Abstract]
  • Pesce, M., Viglione, A., Borre, A., Gabellani, S., von Hardenberg, J., Ganora, D. Identification of meteo-hydrological extreme events at the regional scale: the Northwestern Italy case study, EGU General Assembly 2021, Online, 19–30 April 2021, EGU21-13376,, 2021. [Abstract]
  • Pesce, M., von Hardenberg, J., Viglione, A. A Correlation Analysis of Extreme Climate Indices and River Flood Events in Northwestern Italy, AGU Fall Meeting 2020, Online, 1-17 December 2020. [Abstract]
  • Pesce, M., von Hardenberg, J., Viglione, A. Spatio-temporal correlation of extreme climate indices and river flood discharges, ClimRisk2020: Time for Action! Rising the ambition of climate action in the age of global emergencies, Online, 21-23 October 2020, pp. 42-42. ISBN: 9788897666165, 2020. [Abstract]
  • Pesce, M., Tarasova, L., Merz, R., von Hardenberg, J., Viglione, A. Characterization of extreme meteo-hydrological events in the Alpine Region: historical picture and future scenarios, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-498,, 2020. [Abstract]

Last update: 13/02/2022