Born in Torino, July 11, 1988
- From November 2015: Ph.D. Candidate in Civil-Environmental Engineering, at Polytechnic of Torino (DIATI – Department of Environment, Land and Infrastructure Engineering), under the supervision of Prof. Pierluigi Claps and Prof. Davide Poggi.
- March – July 2014 and December 2014 – May 2015: Research grant at DIATI Department of the Polytechnic of Torino, under the supervision of Prof. Davide Poggi.
- May – December 2014: consultant at Provincia di Imperia (River Basins Management Plans Sector)
- October 2013: Qualification for the Practice of Civil-Environmental Engineering profession.
- April – December 2013: consultant at Ai Engineering s.r.l. (Hydraulic Sector)
- April 2013: Master’s Degree in Civil Engineering achieved at the Polytechnic of Torino. Thesis: “Numerical modelling of dam-break waves, focus on earthen embankments”. Advisors: Prof. Davide Poggi and Ing. Stefania Grimaldi.
- November 2011 – April 2012: Internship in Ai Engineering s.r.l (Hydraulic Sector), Via Lamarmora, 82, Torino
- December 2010: Bachelor’s Degree in Civil Engineering achieved at the Polytechnic of Torino. Thesis: “Interpretazione della meandrizzazione fluviale come processo di progressivo corrugamento di una linea”. Advisors: Prof. Luca Ridolfi and Ing. Carlo Camporeale.
- Reservoir and lake operation for assessment and mitigation of flood risk at a regional scale
- Flood inundation modelling and flood risk analysis.
Cordero S., D. Poggi: Metodi speditivi per la mappatura di aree vulnerabili per onde dovute al collasso di sbarramenti. Progetto RISBA (Rischio degli sbarramenti artificiali) – convegno conclusivo 19/02/2015 Torino, 10/03/2015 Grenoble.