Assegnista di ricercaPolitecnico di Torino Dipartimento di Idraulica, Trasporti e Infrastrutture Civili Duca degli Abruzzi, 24 Tel. +39-0115645644 giovanni.laguardia(at) |
Giovanni Laguardia was born in Potenza in 1975. He graduated as a civil engineer at the University of Basilicata (Italy) in 2000. At the same university he received the Ph.D. degree in 2004 for research related to remote sensing applications in hydrology.
From April 2005 to February 2009 he worked as scientific officer at the European Commission’s Joint Research Centre, contributing to the development of the European Drought Observatory (see
From May 2001 to March 2005 he was a research collaborator of the Interuniversitary Centre for Environmental Monitoring (CIMA) at the DIFA department of the University of Basilicata. He participated to the activities of the Operative Unit nr. 1.21 of the National Group for the Defence by the Hydrogeologic Disasters (GNDCI) of the National Research Council (CNR). He worked on the projects “Climate-soil-vegetation interaction and its effects on extreme hydrological events”, coordinated by Professor M. Fiorentino, and “Quantification and management of water resources in scarcity conditions”, coordinated by Professor G. La Loggia, funded by the Italian Ministry for University and Research, and “Consorzio per lo sviluppo dei Distretti Industriali di Osservazioni della Terra” – COS (OT).
He has been reviewer for the journals HESS, Catena, Atmospheric Sciences Letters, and ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing.
He is member of the International Association of Hydrological Sciences (IAHS) and of the European Geosciences Union (EGU), committee member of the EGU-HS Sub-Division on Catchment Hydrology.
He has been adjoint lecturer of Fundamentals of water works planning, Irrigation and drainage, Hydraulic constructions, Management of aqueduct and sewer systems at the Engineering Faculty of the University of Basilicata, lecturer in the framework of the COS(OT) courses “Experts in hydrometeorology” and “Methods and techniques for the Earth observation”, at the Master in Natural Risk Engineering and at the Sixth Hydroaid training programme 2007 on planning and management of water resources.
He has supervised the following Degree theses: “Multitemporal analysis of NOAA-AVHRR imagery for the detection of soil water content” of G. Asselta, “Regional estimation of actual evapotranspiration assisted by satellite data” of B. Manniello, “Regional analysis of the rainfall and temperature regime for the estimation of the irrigation needs in Basilicata” of F. Pedacchio, and “Setup of bucket-like hydrological models for the estimation of the water resources at the basin scale”of M. Penna.
Drought monitoring and forecasting
Regional analysis of hydrological variables
Soil moisture dynamics and organization
Vegetation climatology
Exploitation of remote sensing products
Hydrological modelling
Geostatistics and GIS
Peer reviewed journals
Di Domenico A., Laguardia G., Fiorentino M., Capturing critical behaviour in soil moisture spatio-temporal dynamics, Advances in Water Resources, 30(3), pp. 543–554, 2007.
Claps P., Giordano P., Laguardia G., Spatial distribution of the average air temperatures in Italy: quantitative analysis, Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, Vol. 13(4), pp. 242-249, 2008.
Laguardia G., Niemeyer S., On the comparison between the LISFLOOD modelled and the ERS/SCAT derived soil moisture estimates, Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 12(6), 1339-1351, 2008.
Di Domenico A., Laguardia G., Application of percolation theory and RG method to soil moisture dynamics, International Journal of Modern Physics B (in press).
Conference proceedings
Fiorentino M., Carriero D., Laguardia G., Manfreda S., Margiotta M.R., Rosano R., Sole A., Iacobellis V., Una proposta metodologica per la mappatura della variabilità spaziale delle perdite idrologiche durante i fenomeni di piena, Convegno nazionale “La difesa della montagna”, Assisi, 11-12 Dicembre 2002.
Claps P. e Laguardia G., Assessing spatial variability of soil water content through thermal inertia and NDVI, Proceedings of SPIE Volume 5232, Remote Sensing for Agriculture, Ecosystems, and Hydrology V, Editor(s): Manfred Owe, Guido D’Urso, 2004.
Laguardia G. e Claps P., Impiego dell’informazione climatica e del remote sensing nella valutazione regionalizzata della disponibilità idrica, XXIX Convegno nazionale di Idraulica e Costruzioni Idrauliche, Trento, 7-10 Settembre 2004.
Carriero D., Laguardia G. e Romano N., Analisi dell’influenza delle caratteristiche del suolo sul bilancio idrologico di un bacino,VIII Convegno Nazionale “L’ingegneria agraria per lo sviluppo sostenibile dell’area mediterranea”,Catania, 27-30 Giugno 2005.
Niemeyer S., Laguardia G., Bodis K., Gouweleeuw B., Towards drought simulation on the European scale: experiences with ERA40-driven Lisflood modeling results, Convegno “Coping with Drought and Water Deficiency: From Research to Policy Making”, Cyprus, 12-13 Maggio 2005.
Laguardia G., Niemeyer S., On the spatial characteristics and scaling behaviour of the LISFLOOD and the ERS/SCAT derived soil moisture fields, Proceedings of the Second Space for Hydrology Workshop “Surface Water Storage and Runoff: Modeling, In-Situ data and Remote Sensing”, Geneva (Switzerland), 12-14 November 2007, Benveniste J. et al. Eds, ESA Publication WPP-280, 2007.
Rossi S., Weissteiner C., Laguardia G., Kurnik B., Robustelli M., Niemeyer M., Gobron N., Potential of MERIS fAPAR for drought detection, 2nd MERIS/(A)ATSR User Workshop, ESA/ESRIN Frascati (Roma) Italy, 22-26 Settembre 2008.
Technical papers
Carriero D., Laguardia G., Le condotte in polietilene nei sistemi di adduzione, distribuzione e smaltimento delle acque. Memorie e studi del DIFA, 2002.
Claps P., Giordano P. e Laguardia G., Analisi quantitativa della distribuzione delle temperature medie in Italia, Relazione Finale Progetto “Progettazione di un database nazionale dei dati idrologici e climatologici”, Gruppo Nazionale Difesa dalle Catastrofi Idrogeologiche e Dipartimento della Protezione Civile, 2003.
De Roo A., Domingues Ramos M.H., Thielen Del Pozo J., Franchello G., Wachter K., Niemeyer S., Kalas M., Laguardia G., Van Der Knijff J., Bartholmes J., European Flood Alert System Post-event Summary Report: The Alpine floods of August 2005; What Did EFAS Forecast, What Was Observed, Which Feedback Was Received From End-Users? Technical EUR Report nr. 22154 EN, 2006.
Conferences without proceedings
Laguardia G., Oliveto G., Actual evapotranspiration at regional scale with remotely sensed data, Geophysical Research Abstracts (ISSN 1029-7006), Vol.5, 2003.
Claps P., Giordano P. e Laguardia G., Statistical analysis of the spatial distribution of air temperature in Italy, Geophysical Research Abstracts (ISSN 1029-7006), Vol.5, 2003.
Fiorentino M., Carriero D., Laguardia G., Manfreda S., Margiotta M.R., Rosano R., Sole A., Iacobellis V., Analyses on the spatial variability of hydrological losses during flood events, Geophysical Research Abstracts (ISSN 1029-7006), Vol.5, 2003.
Claps P. e Laguardia G., Estimation of annual runoff statistics in ungauged basins by means of climatic indices and NDVI, Geophysical Research Abstracts (ISSN 1029-7006), Vol.6, 2004.
Laguardia G. e Claps P., Classification of seasonal climate and vegetation connections as a support for regional analysis of hydrological variables, Geophysical Research Abstracts (ISSN 1029-7006), Vol.6, 2004.
Di Domenico A. e Laguardia G., Can we deal with soil moisture spatial distribution as a critical point phenomenon?, Geophysical Research Abstracts (ISSN 1029-7006), Vol.7, 2005.
Carriero D., Laguardia G. e Romano N., Soil hydrologic features in the evaluation of the water basin losses, Geophysical Research Abstracts (ISSN 1029-7006), Vol.7, 2005.
Laguardia G., Niemeyer S., Wagner W., Scipal K., On the comparison between the LISFLOOD modelled and the ERS/SCAT derived soil moisture estimates, Geophysical Research Abstracts (ISSN 1029-7006), Vol.8, 2006.
Di Domenico A., Laguardia G., Fiorentino M., Some evidences on critical behaviour of soil moisture dynamics, Geophysical Research Abstracts (ISSN 1029-7006), Vol.8, 2006.
Laguardia G., Niemeyer S., van der Knijff J., Franchello G., de Roo A., Modelling soil moisture at the European scale for drought detection and forecasting, Geophysical Research Abstracts (ISSN 1029-7006), Vol.8, 2006.
Laguardia G., Niemeyer S., Towards a soil moisture-based drought index, Geophysical Research Abstracts (ISSN 1029-7006), Vol.9, 2007.
Di Domenico A., Laguardia G., Fiorentino M., New outcomes on critical behaviour of soil moisture dynamics, Geophysical Research Abstracts (ISSN 1029-7006), Vol.9, 2007.
Laguardia G., Plebani F., Claps P., Assessment of climate and vegetation indices as basin-scale water balance descriptors, Geophysical Research Abstracts (ISSN 1029-7006), Vol.9, 2007.
Laguardia G., On the detection of droughts by means of NDVI: the role of climatic clustering, Geophysical Research Abstracts (ISSN 1029-7006), Vol.9, 2007.
Di Domenico A., Laguardia G., Fiorentino M., Exploiting the scale invariance feature of the critical behaviour of soil moisture dynamics, 9th Plinius Conference on Mediterranean Storms, Varenna, Italy, 2007.
Niemeyer S., Laguardia G., Kurnik B., Rossi S., Online pre-operational drought monitoring at the European scale, Geophysical Research Abstracts (ISSN 1029-7006), Vol.10, 2008.
Niemeyer S., Laguardia G., Kurnik B., Rossi S., On the predictability of droughts over Europe by means of the Standardized Precipitation Index and the ECMWF monthly forecasts, Geophysical Research Abstracts (ISSN 1029-7006), Vol.10, 2008.
Niemeyer S., Laguardia G., Kurnik B., Rossi S., Multisource detection of drought events at the European scale, Geophysical Research Abstracts (ISSN 1029-7006), Vol.10, 2008.
Di Domenico, A., Laguardia, G., Fiorentino, M., On the relation between critical point and catchment organization, Geophysical Research Abstracts (ISSN 1029-7006), Vol.10, 2008.
Claps P., Barberis C., De Agostino M., Gallo E., Laio F., Miotto F., Plebani F., Vezzù G., Zanetta M., Laguardia G., Viglione A., Development of an Information System of the Italian basins for the CUBIST project, Geophysical Research Abstracts (ISSN 1029-7006), Vol.10, 2008.
Kurnik B., Niemeyer S., Laguardia G., Drought forecasting using Standardized Precipitation Index and ECMWF monthly probabilistic forecasts, Geophysical Research Abstracts (ISSN 1029-7006), Vol.11, 2009.
Niemeyer S., de Jager A., Kurnik B., Laguardia G., Magni D., Nitcheva O., Rossi S., Weissteiner C., Current state of development of the European Drought Observatory, Geophysical Research Abstracts (ISSN 1029-7006), Vol.11, 2009.
Pannemans B., Laguardia G., Mapping the water balance over a wide range of European catchments, Geophysical Research Abstracts (ISSN 1029-7006), Vol.11, 2009.
Laguardia G., Kurnik B., On the development of a soil moisture-based drought index, Geophysical Research Abstracts (ISSN 1029-7006), Vol.11, 2009.