Politecnico di Torino
Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell’Ambiente,
del Territorio e delle Infrastrutture Duca degli Abruzzi, 24 – 10129, Torino, Italy
Tel.: +39-011-090-7776
Born in Atri (TE), 1st February 1994
- May 2024: Visiting Postdoc at the Vienna University of Technology. Research topic: Non-linear flood attenuation effects of dams.
- From March 2024: Postdoc. Research topic: Assessment of hydrological and hydraulic hazard in small watersheds in Italy, with a focus on large infrastructures and river intersections.
- From November 2023: Research fellow. Research topic: Support for the creation of a water infrastructure inventory in Italy.
- February 2023 – May 2023: Visiting Ph.D. Student at the University of Bristol. Research topic: Identification of dominant controls on basin response times in UK.
- July 2021: Professional qualification as Civil Engineer.
- November 2020 – January 12, 2024 : Ph.D. Student in Civil and Environmental Engineering at Politecnico di Torino. Supervisors: Prof. Pierluigi Claps and Prof. Daniele Ganora. Research interests: Sensitvity of flood hazard on infrastructures; Characterisation of the hydrological response of ungauged high elevation watersheds; Large scale assessment of flood peak mitigation exerted by artificial reservoirs.
- October 2020: Master’s Degree in Civil Engineering, Hydraulics specialization, achieved at Politecnico di Torino. Topic: Methodological analysis and numerical simulations to investigate the impact of subsurface flows on shallow landslides in the presence of topographical discontinuities, such as road cuts. Supervisors: Prof. Pierluigi Claps, Prof. Ilaria Butera, Prof. Stefania Tamea, Prof. Marta Castelli and Prof. Monica Barbero.
- July 2017: Bachelor’s Degree in Civil and Environmental Engineering achieved at Università Politecnica delle Marche. Thesis: “Development of a water distribution networks control system based on the reduction of hydraulic unavailability and leakages.”. Supervisor: Prof. Giovanna Darvini.
- June 2022 – September 2022: Update and revision of the hydraulic risk scenarios of the Mazzeno river (Noli, SV). External consultancy, CINID (Consorzio Interuniversitario per l’Idrologia).
- October 2021: Hydrological studies for the purposes of hydraulic risk mitigation (Vezza d’Alba, CN).
- April 2021: Hydrological and hydraulic assessment and review of the Civil Protection planning tools for the town of Noli (SV) – Civil Protection Plan update.
- June 2017: Six months internship at Università Politecnica delle Marche: use of a pressure-driven hydraulic solver which employed the Monte Carlo simulation technique to menage the maintenance of a water distribution network.
- From September 2023: PRIN project “Flood pRediction In Small ungauged Basins of Italy through Enhanced runoff coefficient assEssment” (FRISBEE). Collaborator. Task: Runoff coefficient estimation through historical data and regionalization methods.
- From April 2023: PNRR project “Multi-Risk sciEnce for resilienT commUnities undeR a changiNg climate” (RETURN). Leader of Action A.3.2.1 – Homogeneous hydrological hazard assessment
over Italian Large Dams. - November 2020: RESBA (REsilienza agli SBArramenti) project. Collaborator.
- A.Y. 2024/2025: Teaching assistant of the “Climatology and Hydrology” MSc course in “Environmental Engineering”. Politecnico di Torino.
- A.Y. 2023/2024: Teaching assistant of the “Climatology and Hydrology” MSc course in “Environmental Engineering”. Politecnico di Torino.
- A.Y. 2022/2023: Teaching assistant of the “Operative hydrology” MSc course in “Environmental Engineering”. Politecnico di Torino.
- A.Y. 2021/2022: Tutor within the Transversal Skills and Orientation Project “Digital Tech for Natural Hazards“. Politecnico di Torino.
- A.Y. 2021/2022: Tutor of the “Civil protection” MSc course in “Environmental Engineering”. Politecnico di Torino.
- A.Y. 2021/2022: Tutor of the “Operative hydrology” MSc course in “Environmental Engineering”. Politecnico di Torino.
- Evangelista, G., Bogoni, P., Ganora, D., Claps, P. Large-scale reconstruction of historical flood runoff coefficients to support basin classification. 2025.
- Evangelista, G., Monforte, I., Claps, P. Elevation and morphological controls on flood quantiles in a warming climate in the Alps. 2025.
- Evangelista, G., Mazzoglio, P., Ganora, D., Pianigiani, F., Claps, P. Features of the Italian Large Dams and their upstream catchments. 2025. Accepted for publication in Earth System Science Data.
- Claps, P., Evangelista, G., Ganora, D., Mazzoglio, P., and Monforte, I.: FOCA: a new quality-controlled database of floods and catchment descriptors in Italy, Earth System Science Data, 16, 1503–1522, 2024 [Article].
- Evangelista, G., Ganora, D., Mazzoglio, P., Pianigiani, F., Claps, P. Flood attenuation potential of Italian dams: sensitivity on geomorphic and climatological factors, Water Resources Management, 37(15), 6165-6181, 2023 [Article].
- Evangelista, G., Woods, R.A., Claps, P. Dimensional analysis of literature formulas to estimate the characteristic flood response time in ungauged basins: a velocity-based approach, Journal of Hydrology, 627, 130409, 2023 [Article].
- Demateis Raveri, M., Evangelista, G., Monforte, I. Taratura del modello FloodAlp su bacini dell’arco alpino nord-occidentale, L’Acqua, 4, 99-108, 2023 (in Italian).
- Ganora, D., Evangelista, G., Cordero, S., Claps P. Design flood hydrographs: a regional analysis based on flood reduction functions, Hydrological Sciences Journal, 68(2), 325-340, 2023 [Article] – Selected as HSJ Featured Article 2023.
- Ganora D., Evangelista G., Mazzoglio P., Claps P. Hydrological models and datasets to support flood flow estimation at river-bridge intersections. Presented at the II Fabre Conference – Existing bridges, viaducts and tunnels: research, innovation and applications (FABRE24), Genova (Italy), 12th-15th February 2024. In: Procedia Structural Integrity, 62, 653-660. [Proceeding]
- Evangelista, G., Woods, R., Claps P. Towards robust operational estimation of the time of concentration in ungauged basins. In: Proceedings of the XXXIX Convegno Nazionale di Idraulica e Costruzioni Idrauliche, Parma (Italy), 15th-18th September 2024. [Proceeding]
- Monforte, I., Evangelista, G., Claps, P.: Flooding Risk from Global Warming in Alpine Basins: An Estimate along a Stream Network. Presented at the International Conference EWaS5, Naples (Italy), 12th-15th July 2022. In: Environmental Sciences Proceedings. 2022; 21(1):22. [Proceeding]
- Monforte, I., Evangelista, G., Ganora, D., Mazzoglio, P., Claps, P.: Nuovi open-data per nuove stime idrologiche alla scala di distretto. Il caso del Po. In: Proceedings of the XXXVIII Convegno Nazionale di Idraulica e Costruzioni Idrauliche, Reggio Calabria (Italy), 4th-7th September 2022 [Proceeding]
- Evangelista, G., Ganora, D., Cordero, S., Claps, P.: Stime regionali di idrogrammi di piena da una nuova banca dati nel nord ovest italiano. In: Proceedings of the XXXVIII Convegno Nazionale di Idraulica e Costruzioni Idrauliche, Reggio Calabria (Italy), 4th-7th September 2022 [Proceeding]
- Evangelista, G., Mazzoglio, P., Pianigiani, F. and Claps, P.: Towards the assessment of the flood attenuation potential of Italian dams: first steps and sensitivity to basic model features. In: Proceedings of the 39th IAHR World Congress, Granada (Spain), 19th-24th June 2022 [Proceeding]
- Evangelista, G., Barbero, M., Butera, I., Castelli, M., Claps, P., and Tamea, S.: Calibrating soil cohesion and saturated conductivity in rainfall induced landslides in the Langhe area (1994). In: Proceedings of the 2nd IAHR Young Professionals Congress, Online, 30th November-2nd December 2021. [Proceeding]
- Evangelista, G., Woods, R., Claps, P. Providing help in estimating the time of concentration in ungauged basins. AGU Annual Meeting 2024, 9th-13thDecember 2024, Washington, DC (US) [poster presentation].
- Evangelista, G., Mazzoglio, P., Ganora, D., Pianigiani, F., Claps, P. A new knowledge resource on Italian Large Dams and their upstream basins. RETURN Dissemination Workshop “New perspectives for multi-risk assessment and management under climate change – Digital transition, innovative partnership, future challenges”, 27th-29th November 2024, Bologna, Italy [Poster presentation].
- Claps P., Evangelista G., Ganora D., Mazzoglio P., Monforte I. FOCA: the Italian FlOod and Catchment Atlas. RETURN Dissemination Workshop “Multi risk models from assessment to validation and implication for decision making”, 19th-21st June 2024, Bari (Italy).
- Claps, P., Evangelista, G., Ganora, D., Mazzoglio, P., Monforte, I. FOCA: a new quality-controlled collection of floods and catchment attributes in Italy. EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna (Austria), 14th-19th April 2024 [Abstract].
- Woods, R., Yin, Y., Evangelista, G., Claps, P., Giani, G., Zheng, Y., Coxon, G., Quaglia, R., Han, D., Rico-Ramirez, M. A fresh start for flood estimation in ungauged catchments. EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna (Austria), 14th-19th April 2024 [Abstract].
- Evangelista, G., Woods, R., Claps, P. How to avoid unrealiable formulas for time of concentration in ungauged basins. EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna (Austria), 14th-19th April 2024 [Abstract].
- Evangelista, G., Ganora, D., Mazzoglio, P., Pianigiani, F., Claps, P. Key elements for a homogeneous flood hazard assessment on Large Dams in Italy. RETURN Dissemination Workshop, 1st-2nd February 2024, Torino, Italy [Poster presentation].
- Claps, P., Evangelista, G., Ganora, D., Mazzoglio, P., Monforte, I. The Italian FlOod and Catchment Atlas (FOCA). RETURN Dissemination Workshop, 1st-2nd February 2024, Torino, Italy [Poster presentation].
- Claps, P., Evangelista, G., Ganora, D., Mazzoglio, P., Monforte I. FOCA: FlOod and Catchment Atlas for 631 gauged watersheds in Italy. AGU Annual Meeting 2023, 11th-15thDecember 2023, San Francisco (US) [poster presentation] [Abstract].
- Evangelista, G., Demateis Raveri, M., Monforte, I., Claps, P. How global warming can modify hydrological extremes in the Italian Alps. AGU Annual Meeting 2023, 11th-15thDecember 2023, San Francisco (US) [Abstract].
- Evangelista, G., Demateis Raveri, M., Monforte, I., Claps, P. Flood risk in the Alps: implications of rainfall and temperature variations on hydrological extremes. SISC (Società Italiana per le Scienze del Clima) 11th Annual Conference, 22nd-24th November 2023, Milan (Italy) [Poster].
- Evangelista, G., Claps, P., Barbero, M., Castelli, M. A simple procedure to calibrate soil parameters for slope stability modelling: the Langhe (1994) case study. 6th World Landslide Forum, Florence (Italy), 14th-17th November, 2023 [Abstract].
- Claps, P., Evangelista, G., Ganora, D., Mazzoglio, P., Monforte, I. FOCA (Italian Flood and Catchment Atlas): L’Atlante italiano delle piene e dei descrittori dei bacini idrografici. Giornate dell’idrologia della Società Idrologica Italiana 2023, Matera (Italy), 13th-15th September, 2023. [Abstract]
- Evangelista, G., Ruggeri, C., Claps, P. Stima dei coefficienti di deflusso in piccoli bacini italiani mediante l’uso di dati storici. Giornate dell’idrologia della Società Idrologica Italiana 2023, Matera (Italy), 13th-15th September, 2023. [Abstract]
- Evangelista, G., Ganora, D., Mazzoglio, P., Pianigiani, F., Claps, P. Sensitivity of Italian dams’ flood mitigation capacity to the combined effect of morphological and climatological factors. IAHS-AISH Scientific Assembly 2023, Berlin (Germany), 12th-16th July 2023. [Abstract]
- Evangelista, G., Monforte, I., Demateis Raveri, M., Claps, P. Relationship between rainfall and flood frequency curves in high elevation areas. EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna (Austria), 24th-28th April 2023. [Abstract]
- Evangelista, G., Mazzoglio, P., Pianigiani, F., Claps, P.: Primi passi verso la valutazione del potenziale di laminazione delle grandi dighe italiane. Giornate dell’idrologia della Società Idrologica Italiana 2022, Genova (Italy), 9th-11th November, 2022. [Abstract]
- Claps, P., Evangelista, G., Mazzoglio, P.: Nubifragi “anomali” da Bitti (2020) a Cantiano (2022) e spunti per un ripensamento delle fasi di prevenzione e protezione. Giornate dell’idrologia della Società Idrologica Italiana 2022, Genova (Italy), 9th-11th November, 2022. [Abstract]
- Evangelista, G., Claps, P.: Dimensional analysis and intercomparison of the basin time of concentration formulas. EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna (Austria), 23rd-27th May, 2022. [Abstract]
- Claps, P., Brunetto, M., Evangelista, G., Mazzoglio, P., Monforte, I.: FaBI: A new collection of flood data and attributes of basins in Italy. EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna (Austria), 23rd-27th May, 2022. [Abstract]
- Monforte, I., Evangelista, G., Claps, P. Along-stream assessment of mountain flood dependence on global warming. SnowHydro 2022, 3rd Internation Conference on Snow Hydrology, Online, 31st January-3rd February, 2022.
- Evangelista, G., Barbero, M., Butera, I., Castelli, M., Claps, P., and Tamea, S.: Parameters calibration in rainfall induced landslides in the Langhe area (1994). EGU General Assembly 2021, Online, 3rd-8th April 2021. [Abstract] – [Poster]
- Evangelista, G., Ganora, D., Mazzoglio, P., Pianigiani, F., Claps, P. Efficacia delle grandi dighe italiane nella mitigazione delle portate di piena. In: Opere idrauliche e territorio: importanza, obsolescenza, adattamento, 22nd March 2024, Torino, Italy [Poster].
- Claps, P., Evangelista, G., Mazzoglio, P. Cambiamento climatico e rischio idrogeologico: indicazioni tecniche e direzioni di approfondimento. In: Dall’emergenza alla cultura della prevenzione: la centralità del rischio idrogeologico per la gestione del territorio, 6th February 2024, Torino, Italy.
- Claps, P., Evangelista, G., Demateis Raveri, M. Alluvioni nelle Alpi in tempi di riscaldamento globale. In: Le Azioni del Politecnico e del Territorio per la Crisi Climatica, 13th October 2023, Torino, Italy [poster presentation].
- Claps, P., Evangelista, G., Mazzoglio, P. Caratteristiche statistiche e idrologiche di recenti eventi alluvionali significativi e possibili risposte della Missione 4.2 del PNRR. In: Eventi estremi nell’ambito dei cambiamenti climatici – Le conseguenze idrologiche ed idrauliche, 21st September 2023, Bergamo, Italy.
- Claps P., Evangelista G., Mazzoglio P. Coherence vs. Novelty: which directions towards rainstorm and flood hazard assessment for the Infrastructures in Italy? Insights from the RETURN project. In: International Workshop “Novel concepts for the mitigation of flood and drought risk – Science progress and engineering practice”, 11th September 2023, Bologna, Italy.
- Evangelista, G., Woods, R., Claps, P. Valutazione della robustezza di formule di letteratura per la stima del tempo di risposta caratteristico di bacino: analisi dimensionale basata sulle velocità medie. In: PhD Days del Gruppo Italiano di Idraulica, 11th-12th September 2023, Matera, Italy [poster presentation].
- Evangelista, G. Which climatic and morphological factors most influence the flood attenuation potential of Italian dams? In: IAHR Italy Young Professional coffee break, 20th June 2023 [online].
- Claps, P., Ganora, D., Evangelista, G. Considerazioni sulla pubblicazione dei dati disponibili. In: Seminario “Linee guida per la ricostruzione degli idrogrammi di piena massimi annui”. ITCOLD, 21st March 2023, Milano, Italy.
- Evangelista, G. (Re)Discovering empirical formulas to estimate the watershed response time. In: second webinar of the “Gotta catch’em all – A catchment by catchment hydrological adventure” serie organized by BHS, YHS, YHS-IT and EGUHS, 21st February 2023 [online].
- Lavalle L., Villani M.L., Patriarca T., Bazzurro N., Serale G., Cova P., Converso R., Delsoldato G., Piramide V., Ghillani A., Adorni M., De Giovanni M., Fiorini M., Freni G., Torregrossa M., Giovannini G., Mauro A., Agostini I., Ceresara M., Carpanese P., Saler E., Donà M., Badin L., Follador V., da Porto F., Claps P., Mazzoglio P., Evangelista G., Cammarata G., Zani G., Lombardi M., Berardi D., Ridolfi E., De Girolamo P., Codato C., Toth E., Bragalli C. (2023). Inventory, Description and Classification of Interdependent Infrastructures and their Critical Assets. RETURN PNRR project Deliverable D6.2.1.
- Evangelista, G. (2024) Flood hazard sensitivity on infrastructures in small ungauged watersheds. Doctoral Thesis, Politecnico di Torino, p. 268.
- Evangelista G. (2020) Methodological and numerical analysis of groundwater flows effects on shallow landslides, in the presence of topographical discontinuities. Master Thesis, Politecnico di Torino, p. 95.