
Susanna Grasso

Susanna Grasso Politecnico di Torino

Research fellow

Politecnico di Torino

Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell’Ambiente,

del Territorio e delle Infrastrutture Duca degli Abruzzi, 24

10129, Torino, Italy


Born in Torino, Jan 21, 1988.

  • From February 2016 to April 2018: Research grant at DIATI Department of the Polytechnic of Torino, under the supervision of Prof. Pierluigi Claps.
  • February 2016: Qualification for the Practice of Civil-Environmental Engineering profession.
  • July 2015: Master’s Degree in Environmental Engineering, Land Protection specialization, at the Politecnico di Torino. Thesis: “Multi model approach to the regional frequency analysis of rainfall extremes through free-GIS application”. Advisors: Prof. Pierluigi Claps, Ing. Andrea Libertino
  • November 2012: Bachelor’s Degree in Environmental Engineering at the Politecnico di Torino. Thesis: “ Analysis of the energy performance of a building in Piedmont and proposal for energy requalification”. Advisor: Prof. Vincenzo Corrado


  • Development of custom Web and Desktop GIS tools
  • Extreme rainfall frequency analysis



Grasso S., Libertino A. and Claps P. MULTIRAIN: A GIS-based tool for multi-model estimation of regional design rainfall for scientists and practitioners. Journal of Hydroinformatics2019, doi:



Grasso S., Libertino A, and Claps P. A Web-GIS Tool for Rainstorm Hazard Management Over Large Areas. 2018. In: Goffredo La Loggia, Gabriele Freni, Valeria Puleo and Mauro De Marchis (editors). HIC 2018. 13th International Conference on Hydroinformatics, EPiC Series in Engineering, vol 3, pp. 844-851, doi: 10.29007/gthr.

Isacco S., Claps P., Grasso S., Ferrari E., Guercio M.B., Musumeci R.E., Scarcella G.E., Versace P. and Laio F. Floodbook: a Social Platform for Flood Hydrology. 2018. In: Goffredo La Loggia, Gabriele Freni, Valeria Puleo and Mauro De Marchis (editors); HIC 2018. 13th International Conference on Hydroinformatics, EPiC Series in Engineering, vol 3, pp. 941-949, doi: 10.29007/fb6d.

Grasso S., Giuzio L., Viggiano D., Manfreda S. Sviluppo di un sistema Web-GIS per l’Early Warning di criticità pluviometrica. 2017. Atti della Conferenza Nazionale ASITA 2017, Volume: ISBN 978-88-941232-8-9, pp. 641-650, ASITA, Salerno, Italy [Link]



Grasso S.,  Claps P., Ganora D., and Libertino A.: A Web-GIS Design Tool for reuse and validation of multiple regional extreme rainfall estimation studies [PICO]. 2019, EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria [abstract] [slides].

Grasso S.,  Claps P., Ganora D., and Libertino A: A web-based open-source geoinformation tool for regional water resources assessment [presentation]. 2018, 3rd International Electronic Conference on Water Sciences (ECWS-3) [link].

Grasso S., Libertino A., and Claps P.: A Web-GIS Tool for Rainstorm Hazard Management Over Large Areas [oral presentation]. 2018. HIC 2018 – 13th International Conference on Hydroinformatics, Palermo, Italy [Link]

Grasso S.: Using PyWPS for Water Resources Quantification in Mountain Basins [oral presentation]. 2018, GeoPython, Basel, Switzerland [Link].

Bancheri M., Grasso S., Mita L., Manfreda S.: Hydrological extremes monitoring using GEOframe-NewAge. 2018, 5° IAHR Europe Congress, Trento, Italy.

Grasso S., Giuzio L., Viggiano D., Manfreda S.: Sviluppo di un sistema Web-GIS per l’Early Warning di criticità pluviometrica [oral presentation]. 2017, ASITA, Salerno, Italy [Link]

Mita L., Bancheri M., Dal Sasso S.F., Davenia G., Glisci C., Grasso S., Laguardia N., Lanorte V., Fiorentino M., Manfreda S: The Web-based Flood Warning System exploiting the JGrass-NewAge. 2017, World Engineering Forum (WEF) – World Federation of Engineering Organizations General Assembly, Rome, Italy [link].

Grasso S., Gallo E., Ganora D., Libertino A. and Claps P.: Piogge areali di progetto e classificazione di eventi estremi mediante geo-servizi WPS [poster]. 2016, Giornate dell’Idrologia del SII-IHS, Trento, Italy [Link].